Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mount N Blade Serial Keygen Good PC RPG's/Hack N Slash?

Good PC RPG's/Hack N Slash? - mount n blade serial keygen

Hello, I'm looking for some good RPGs. I like hack n slash games like Diablo and destination. But I want a game with lots of action, but also a good RPG aspect. Something like mount and blade. I Baldur's Gate, but I think that a little boring to be honest. Dragon Age thinking, but I'm not so sure. The recommendations are welcome. I also prefer games like medieval somewhat futuristic.

The games I have: Diablo 1 and 2, the entire series FATE, torches, Baldur's Gate, Mount and Blade.

Thank you!


CrimsonB... said...

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which is a very good game, most with downloadable as Shivering Isles adds only 30 hours, and is the 1 or 3 Person while using swords, bows and arrows and magic, there is the participation of some guilds.

Dragon Age is also a good game, but not as Oblivion, playing what some people more than a thousand hours ...

CrimsonB... said...

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which is a very good game, most with downloadable as Shivering Isles adds only 30 hours, and is the 1 or 3 Person while using swords, bows and arrows and magic, there is the participation of some guilds.

Dragon Age is also a good game, but not as Oblivion, playing what some people more than a thousand hours ...

doctor M said...

Have you tried Left for Dead? 1 p.m. to 2 a.m.?
So it's not just hack and slash .. more like fire and SPLAT .. but I assure you it .. Hell is fun ..

You can
need BitTorrent to download content from it. do not worry .. are completely free!

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